Discover Kalibo's Vibrant Culture at Papierus Pensionne's Doorstep

Discover Kalibo's Vibrant Culture at Papierus Pensionne's Doorstep

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Immerse in Kalibo's Rich Culture at Papierus Pensionne Right at the Heart of EverythingKalibo's vibrant cultural ways of life could be experiences right where all things are. Once you get outside the hotel, Kalibo will already be hustling and bustling at its busily vibrant ambiance. Its biggest draw is the Ati-Atihan Festival, widely regarded as the Mother of All Philippine Festivals.

Held every third Sunday of January, the Sinulog Festival is a colorful and vivacious festivity that draws thousands of revelers to the city, and Papierus Pensionne is only minutes away from its main venues. Visitors can jump into the rambunctious parade of bright colors, pounding drums and chants, and join in all the centuries-old revelry that infuses this grand fiesta. More than just the Ati-Atihan Festival, exactly where visitors of Papierus Pensionne might get to relish the other cultural treats offered by Kalibo. And, it is a short drive to Bakhawan Eco-Park which was once considered as one of the most effective reforestation projects in the Philippines that features kilometers of mangrove forest.

Visitors can meander the peaceful boardwalks while becoming educated about the significance of these crucial environments. Museo it AkeanTo bring you a little bit closer to the region's past, take time visit Museo it Akean. It highlights the vast cultural traditions of the Aklanon people, including their traditional crafts, textiles and agriculture. The location of Papierus Pensionne allows guests to easily access this cultural gem and develop a deeper understanding of the local lifestyle.

And a little farther out, you can go all the way to Tigayon Hill and Cave, which served as a natural hideout of Aklanons who fought for freedom before. Aside from the amazing panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, it is said that there are many legends about the captive cave. During your stay, take advantage of local eateries within walking distance that reflect a number of flavors in Kalibo. From its signature Lapaz Batchoy for a hearty dose of noodles to the thriving street food scene, the local flavors of Iloilo are vibrant and plentiful.


Due to its established position in Kalibo's downtown, Papierus Pensionne is the fitting possibility for visitors inclined to keep up with this lively city. Located in Kalibo, guests can be within easy reach of the famous Ati-Atihan festival and other amenities such as the Bakhawan Eco-Park, Museo it Akean, and much more that showcases the rich culture, tradition, and historical significance of Kalibo.

Call to Action

Room types to match every kind of traveler at the Papierus Pensionne, from plush ones to budget-friendly ones The hotel is neat and cozy, with air conditioning, cable TV, and hot/cold showers to keep you comfortable throughout your short stay in Kalibo. Contact us now to make a booking at Papierus Pensionne and experience the charm of Kalibo right on your doorstep.

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